To UCLAN and a talk about Droyt’s and international trade to the International Business students. There is isn’t so much to say on the subject these days. In the past we exported about 60% of turnover, but now the figure is more like 25%, although indirectly that will be higher because we make soap for other companies who then export.The lecture theatre was very well equipped with a huge AV screen. There was a brief panic when my presentation, saved on a USB stick came on screen with all the photos corrupted. I was preparing to preface each slide with ‘What you should be seeing here..’ but then remembered that the file was backed up on my phone. So, good commuter that I am, I had in my bag the relevant USB connector cable and once the appropriate handshaking happened, the uncorrupted file loaded up fine. Isn’t technology quite good?
It’s always pleasant to talk on and on about something one knows a lot about to a captive audience. The students were very polite and avoided any obvious displays of boredom. They also put me on the spot with some very astute questions, while also managing to avoid focussing too much on the failings of our marketing program. I’m looking forward to seeing their suggestions!